Young at Heart

This photo interested me for a couple reasons. First of all, the leaf wants to fall. It would fall if not for the flimsy pin and the flimsy string. It is natural for the leaf to fall. The leaf is brown. It is dead, or dying. It is old. However, a green, fresh heart is pasted upon it. The dying leaf has had a sort of heart transplant. It has been rejuvenated, given life. There is this idea that it is defying age, defying the weight of the world. It is staying young at heart. We have this need to stay young, to live with wonder, to keep ourselves beautiful and light. We have this need to do whatever it takes to stay on top. We have this need to live. Always live. Always hope.

One response

20 02 2011
Lightness Defined. « mixof26letters

[…] On my other blog, I have a page where I analyze a picture in terms of its “lightness.” However, an interesting twist is that the photo has only achieved lightness because it has been manipulated. This idea of manipulation, in a way, can take away from the lightness. But try not to think about that. Instead, focus on the ways in which the manipulation gives life to the photo. Young at Heart. […]

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